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Cream-Top Whole Milk


Whole Milk – Not homogenized so the cream rises to the top (Cream-top). As fresh as it gets!
Half Gallon Jug (64 fl oz)

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SKU: TB-WholeMilk-001 Category:


We use low temperature vat pasteurization to ensure that our milk retains the majority of it’s enzymes which are important for proper digestion. We do not homogenize so the flavorful cream (produced abundantly by our brown cows) will rise to the top. Just give it a good shake and that will reincorporate the cream back into the milk.

You may notice that our milk has a yellow tinge. Our Guernsey (very rare in the US) cows naturally produce milk that is higher in beta carotene which gives the milk a creamy yellow hue. Guernsey and Jersey cows also naturally produce more cream, vitamin D and vitamin A so our milk is loaded with nutrition.